14 Days To a Healthier Body
8 years ago I was in the best shape of my life!
Standing at a towering 5’7.5″ I was a solid 165 and 11% BMI.
Forever active, I would often hit the gym twice in a day doing opposing body parts on those 2 a days with a round of golf (walking) sandwiched in between the gym sessions.
I ate clean. I thought clean. I had clean tendencies. I slept okay (6-7 hours a might).
The worst thing I did to my body was the cigarette smoking, but externally all was good.
Even when I was on the road DJ’ing clubs and concerts, my contract rider required a gym with free weights so I could still lift.
I was 100% happy with myself.
Then it happened. One day in 2009, I suffered at the same damn time: a torn labrum & rotator cuff in the left shoulder and a wrist injury on my right side.
I skipped out on the dr. and took 2 weeks off from everything including golf (for those that know me, I was playing 4-5 days a week.)
When I went back to the gym, the tear was so bad that I couldn’t even bench press the bar.
This happened while my life inside New York City and US clubs was getting more involved. Spinning 2-3 nights a week doesn’t sound much, but it led to sleeping 2 MAYBE 3 hours in a night.
With the late nights in the club came late night eating. Though I was still eating clean during those sessions, it was still eating.
The worst part is it wasn’t an occasional thing… This was a weekly thing.
From 2006 – 2009, I avoided fast food. High sodium, unknown ingredients, preservatives and processed foods that were once foreign to me, now became a habit.
I eventually gave up fast food all over again and the thought of eating at one of the chains brings on a state of nausea.
But, the damage had been done. The clean life that was based off of the gym became a distant memory.
There were days that I smoked up to 2 packs of cigarettes on top of enjoying 2, maybe 3 cigars.
My bills were shrinking and wallet was getting fat…. but I could no longer fit into those Size 32 Slim Fit pants.
Believe me when I say it’s hard to eat, think and be clean. Add onto that how late DJ’s and folks in hospitality, health care and public service work. Sure the money is great, but I was living the lifestyle instead of making a life out of that world. Thank God I’ve now changed my ways. No more late-night snacking. No more downing bottles of champagne for myself. No more binge drinking a few vodka’s w/ a mixer. I’m cool with a drink or 2 while I spin, and no more. Most of the time, I’m sipping on ice water.
Now that you know the background of the past 9 years of life, you can understand why I chose to do a cleanse.
I’m finally back in the gym and walking around 5-6 miles each day. However, the damage that I did to my body during my debauchery days lingers.
There are days I feel great, but those are marred by the days in a week that I lay in bed with a massive incurable migraine.
My body aches in the morning and during the day. My labrum has a superior tear that leads into the bicep so that doesn’t help.
Though I’m physically and sometimes mentally drained, I’m tired. I’m tired of feeling like a sloth even though my fiance and I have been eating
clean and healthy. I’m tired of walking in my closet and there’s a whole section of clothes that I don’t feel myself in. I’m tired of looking at pictures like the one above and seeing
a gut.
We’ve replaced $30-$40 outings for a single meal whose caloric count comprised of Lord knows what. A typical meal at home is now
roasted chicken (seasoned w/ a pinch of salt and pepper), brown rice, quinoa or couscous, and a serving of sauteed spinach, bell peppers or sprouts.
The 3-4 energy drinks that drove me during those long days where I previously had 3 hours of sleep were replaced with espresso shots or light macchiato’s during a day after AT LEAST 5 hours of sleep (though I’d like to get it up to 7 if possible).
Now…. Now I just want to get rid of anything that’s left over in my body. I’m nearly 4 years smoke-free, and I can’t believe that I ever got into that terrible habit.
So tonight I’ll start the Whole Foods 14 Day Complete Body Cleanse.
I don’t know how many people will read this, but who cares?! I’m a former English Major that doesn’t mind free-writing.
Hopefully it can serve as motivation to someone knowing that it’s not too late to change their lifestyle.
So join me as I write daily about my experience with the cleanse, what I’m eating with the cleanse, recipes and of course before and after pictures.
Beginning State
Date: 1/15/16
Weight: 189
BMI: 26%
Fat Weight: 49
Lean Mass: 139.86
Target Weight: 170
Target BMI: 12-15%
Target Date: April 2016